Book talk · Tags

The #TheMortalInstruments Book Tag

I’m not sure where this originates from but I came across this tag on MaraWasHere and wanted to do it too. It seems like a lot of fun and it has everything to do with Shadowhunters, and since I’m rereading The Infernal Devices at the moment, it seemed like a great thing to do 🙂

Initially, this tag is about the books but I want to make it about the TV show as well as the books. Both are The Mortal Instruments and focus on Shadowhunters that I love and adore. Therefore, I will answer all the questions in regard of the books AND the TV show.

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Who is your favorite character?

The Books:
It’s hard to answer this with certainty. There are a ton of characters that I consider my fave. Even at knifepoint I wouldn’t be able to choose between them. I guess it’s a tie between Jace, Sebastian, Magnus, Luke and Simon (and also Will and Jem).

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor jace herondale

The TV show:
This is definitely Alec. I didn’t like Alec all that much in the books because he came across like a moody little kitten with jealousy issues BUT his character did grow on me and by the end of City of Lost Souls I was endlessly in love with him. So I’m extremely excited for Alec’s character in the TV show where his presence is much bigger than in the books. And… you know…. It’s Matt.

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It’s hard not to love this guy……. *is in such deep sh*** #MatthewDaddarioTrash

I also adore Izzy in the show. Emeraude is amazing as Izzy ❤

Who is your OTP?

The Books:
I have to warn you all. I’m a pretty hardcore Clace shipper but when it comes to Malec… I go all the way. I scream, I cry, I yell, I obssess…. Whenever Malec comes around I get into my fangirl modus, put on my shipping gear and OTP the hell out of that cruiseship.

I mean…. they went through so much together *remembers page 511*

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They adopted a warlock baby… and had another child….

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The TV show:
Also Malec. Definitely Malec.
And Clace when they’re not trying so hard to be all loving and cute. Kat and Dom have chemistry as Clace but only in the scenes without the extra layer of romantic nuances.

Who is the sexiest shadowhunter?

The Books:
Like…. out of all of them??

Oh dear….

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There’s no way I could choose the sexiest Shadowhunter out of all of my husbands.

The TV show:
Since I’m major Matt Trash, I have to say Matt but that doesn’t take away the fact that both Dom and Alberto aren’t sexy as well. In fact… I think they’re sexy AF ❤

If you could have a shadowhunter last name, which one would it be?

The Books:
Herondale… HERONDALE…. HER-ON-DALE!!!!!

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor herondale

The TV show:

Who is your favorite male character?

The Books:
Like I said…. not possible to choose.

The TV Show:
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor alec gif

I just love how fierce Alec is in the show. How hateful he is towards Clary but is willing to do anything for Jace even when that includes protecting Clary. Or how awkward he is whenever he needs to be the distraction or is being flirted with… Ugh…. I’m such trash for both the character and its actor.

Who is your favorite female character?

The Books:
Izzy. No doubt. She’s badass, kickass, snarky and overal the greatest female character this series has to offer.
I like Clary too but Clary can be a bit of a nag sometimes *whoops*

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor izzy cassandra JP

The TV Show:
I have to go with Isabelle as well because I have so much love for her in the show. She’s got the sarcasm down as well as the badassery. I love how they’ve established the sibling bond between Izzy and Alec in the show as well. They would die for each other. The only thing I did not like about Izzy in the show was her relationship with Meliorn. That kind of threw me off but overal I love her to death ❤

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Would you rather; Play the piano with Jace, play video-games with Simon, play the violin with Jem or read books with Will?

Oh dear GOD…. I seriously don’t know. I’m emotionally unable to choose between them. Oh help…. Okay… ehm….. I’m really sorry for Simon but he’s the first off the list. And Jace drops off next so that leaves Jem and Will but where Will is, Jem is bound to follow so I wouldn’t actually have to choose.

Jem and Will it is.


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If you could get a rune from the book, which one would it be?

I actually have the Iratze tattooed on the back of my left shoulder. It was my very first tattoo. In the future I would like to have another rune tattooed but I’m not sure which one yet.
I also have the  quote: “We live and breathe words”, tattooed on my arm.

What Downworlder would you be?

I think I’d make a great Lycanthrope since that’s the only mortal option. To be a vampire, a faerie or a warlock would mean that I would be immortal and that’s the last thing I want. I don’t want to outlive my loved ones by centuries. I don’t want to experience the things that Tessa has to go through after Will passes away and then Jem…..

*chokes on air*

So werewolf it is.

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Both series are very dear to me. TMI was the one I started out with and fell head-over-heels in love with. It has brought me so much when it comes to reading books and meeting people (I was very socially awkward and didn’t have many friends back then) with whom I could talk about these things. It also brought me excitement over an upcoming movie, it brought me my all-time hero Jamie Campbell Bower and it has taught me so much about myself.
But TID has brought many good things to me as well. TID was the first series that made me feel so fiercely about a book. Never before did I care so much about a series and it made my love for the shadowhunters (TMI was still ongoing at that point) even stronger.

But if I really had to choose between the two, I would go with TID because it was a bit more emotional for me and the characters have hit me harder as well as the storyline.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor the infernal devices

Whom of the characters did you hate most?

The Books:
But…. I kind of hate/loved him. I mean… Valentine’s the guy who put little puppy Jace in a spaghetti bath for his birthday but he’s also the guy who doomed his unborn son to a life of violence and relentless bloodshed.
It’s a mixed feeling but out of all the characters he’s the guy I would kick between the legs, hard, and not feel bad about it.

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@Street-Angel (DeviantArt)

The TV Show:
I’m so sorry but I’m going to have to say Luke…..
They kind of ruined his character for me. Especially during that episode in which we delve into the history of the circle. In that episode they explain how Jocelyn and Luke had an affair which destroyed him for me. Luke from the books would never ever dare touch Jocelyn while his parabatai was still married to her.
And that police thing only makes it worse. I really didn’t understand why they made him a cop. It didn’t have any value to me so yeah…. I don’t like his character much.

If you could spend a day with a character, who would it be?

The Books:
Jonathan Christopher.
I would very much like to talk to him about his life. The fleeting moment we had with him in City of Heavenly Fire was way too short. I’d like to get to know him more.

The TV Show:
I would like to spend a day with Clary. Together we could learn all about the Shadow World, draw runes, train, kick some ass and hang out with Jace.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor clary shadowhunters gif

Favorite book?

If it’s only The Mortal Instruments I would pick City of Bones  mainly because it’s the first and it introduces us to the shadowhunters and their world but also because I love the way how the storyline is structured in that book.
If it’s all of the books I’d go with Clockwork Princess. It’s the book I feel the strongest about and gives me the most feels.

What was the worst cliffhanger?

Oh God, definitely City Of Fallen Angels and Clockwork Prince. Both of them had horrendous cliffhangers that had me lying face down on the floor for days. I couldn’t eat, sleep nor breathe due to a feels-overload. Jace was gone with Sebastian and we kind of knew for sure Jem wouldn’t see the end of Clockwork Princess….

My life was over.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor facedown on the floor

Favorite scene?

The Books:
I’ve got a bunch of favorites, actually. I’ll list them below (In random order):
1. The Greenhouse scene.
2. Alec, under the influence of the Fearless rune, trying to come out to his parents.
3. Anytime when Magnus calls Clary: “Biscuit”.
4. “I need your strength”.
5. The final ending.

The TV Show:
I really love the scene in which Alec and Izzy are at the police station and Alec has to be the distraction.
I loved that whole episode. It was sooooooo good ❤

And that was it 🙂

I hope you enjoyed it. If you want, you can take up the tag as well. Let me know when you do, I’ll be happy to read your post.

With love,

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