
The ~Unique Blogger~ Award

Hiya everyone!

I was nominated by the amazing NotSoModernGirl ❤ Please click her name and fly over to her blog to read her post on this award, and check out some of her other posts. They’re awesome ^^

She nominated me for the following award:

and it makes me so happy to know that someone would nominate this tiny blog for an award ❤ So thank you!!

The rules:

  1. Share the link to the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Answer the questions they gave you.
  3. Nominate 8-13 other blogger and pay it forward.
  4. Ask them three questions.

If you could change the ending to a book, which would it be?

Over the years there have been lots and lots of books that had a crap ending, in my opinion. For example the; Shatter Me series, Divergent series and the Raven Cycle series. But would I change them?? I don’t know… I hate open endings so I would definitely liked to have more closure to the Shatter Me series, and I dislike endings that feel hastened or too simple like The Raven King

But I wouldn’t change them. Not for the world. I can hate them, despise them even but I wouldn’t want to change them. Even when it drives me insane to not know what happens to the rebellion in Shatter Me or feel like I still have a thousand questions when it comes to The Raven Cycle

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor writing gif

 Is there a film that you find better than the book it’s based on? Which one?

To be honest, there are a couple films that I prefer to the book; the most obvious being The Maze Runner. The book is pretty flat. It’s not that I dislike it but as far as my experience with books go… it’s one of the lesser ones.
But the movie, on the other hand, is really really good.

Lesser obvious ones are The 100, which is technically not a film but a show but still.. it’s way better than the books. And I say books but I never made it passed book 1. I couldn’t get passed it because I love the show too much. I didn’t want the book to ruin it.
Another example is: The Vampire Diaries. I managed to read almost all the books (with the exception of the Stefan Diaries) but still feel like the show is exploring much more ground and character growth.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor damon salvatore gif

What’s something about you that makes you unique?

Now this is going to sound sappy and melodramatic but…

What makes me unique -in my opinion- is the fact that I’m on here at all. All my life I’ve had trouble with anxiety and trusting the people around me. There was a time in my life that I didn’t really talk to people that much or be around them safe for a friend or two.

Growing up on an Island meant that I had to go to the same school with those who bullied me all the way up to middle school. I couldn’t change schools to get away from them so I endured it but it resulted into anxiety issues.
I find talking to people extremely difficult but over the years I found that joining groups online made it easier to reach out to other. Talking about things I love -like the books I read- was helping me battle my demons and so I started this.
With TheNeverEndingStory I can talk about the books I like and discuss them with other readers.


I’m sorry if someone already nominated you, but here are my nominees:

Drink Coffee and Read Books

Of Reading and Random Things


Young Adult Lit Reviews

Black Cat Kai

2 women, so many books

My questions for you:

  1. If everything supernatural truly existed, what creature would you be? Or would you be human?
  2. Who is your favorite author and why?
  3. If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?

Have fun!

With love,

9 thoughts on “The ~Unique Blogger~ Award

  1. Thanks for the mention 🙂 Great answers, I particularly liked what made you unique- it’s really great that you share your opinions on here after so much adversity. Your opinions and comments are always welcome in this community 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the nomination! I’m gonna have to think on your questions for a bit, though! Those are hard!! 😉😂


  3. I haven’t seen or read The Maze Runners, but I totally agree that The 100 and The Vampire Diaries TV series are better than the books! I’m so sad that The Vampire Diaries is over 😦
    Thank you for nominating me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oooohh you should definitely check out the TMZ movie 😀 It’s worth a shot.

      Same… I watched the last episode yesterday and it broke my heart in a million different ways 😭 It was so beautiful yet so heartbreaking

      Liked by 1 person

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