Book talk · Tags

The #OppositeBooks Tag

Hiya everyone!

A while ago I was tagged by the great Kwante In Wonderland to do the OPPOSITE BOOKS TAG. I read her post about the tag (which you should too. It’s really fun and has loads of books that weren’t familiar to me *TBR expanding in the distance*) and wanted to give it a try for myself.

So here I go 🙂

The first book in your collection VS. The last book you bought.


The first real novels I owned and were truly mine and mine alone were the W.I.T.C.H books that had additional stories to the main storyline in the comics. There’s one from Will’s POV as well as one from Irma, Taranee, Cornelia and Hay-Lin.
Reign of Shadows is the last book I bought. Well… not truly nut it’s the book I last paid for. I have an unpaid for preorder waiting for me, which is Gemina.

A cheap book VS. An expensive book.


Since I received the Wolves of Mercy Falls from a friend of mine who didn’t like the books and wanted to rid herself of them by giving them to me, these books are the cheapest books I own. I didn’t spend a single dime in obtaining them. It’s goes to show that I was extremely happy with them and, although I didn’t love them all that much, I did enjoy them 🙂
Shakespeare, however, was overly expensive. We paid 50 bucks for the leather bound, complete set of Shakespeare’s plays, poems and sonnets.
Worth it, though.

A book with a male protagonist VS. A book with a female protagonist.


Doing this tag made me realize that I don’t own that many books with a male protagonist. Sure, I have The Maze Runner and some of the other books have fragments of male POV but I don’t own a lot of male lead books. Therefore, I chose to put my Harry Potter collection in the spotlight.
The other series is the Angelfire series that I adore and cherish. It’s not that widely known amongst us YA readers but it surely deserves more attention. It is soooooo good. I can’t wait to reread the books again which I’m planning to do at the end of the year. So expect to see some reviews of the books 😉

A book you read really fast-paced VS. A book you read very slowly.


This Is Where It Ends was over before I knew it. I read it in one day. Sped through the thing in one go but The Assassin’s Blade is giving me headaches….. and I don’t know why.
It’s so frustrating because TOG is one of my favorite series every yet this prequel causes me to have one of the biggest reading slumps I have had in years.
So I’m still working on it…… (It’s been a little over 5 months now since I started the book)

A book with a pretty cover VS. A book with an ugly cover.


If you own a copy of Illuminae you have got to agree with me that the cover is aboslutely brilliant. It’s gorgeous and so goddamn amazing that I spent at least an hour just admiring it before I got to reading the book itself. On the other hand, The Maze Runner covers are… not so…. gorgeous. To be honest, I think they’re hideous and not much better than the original covers of the series which I didn’t like either.

A national book VS. An international book.


Blauwe Plekken is a book written by the Dutch writer; Anke De Vries. I don’t think it has been translated into English so I don’t know if any of you guys know the book. I read the book when I was twelve and was utterly mindblown by it. It’s about a girl who is abused by her mother but she’s so stuck in her belief that she deserves to be abused that she can’t find a way out. Only with the help of a classmate and his family does she see the truth.
Now.. ACOTAR doesn’t need an introduction OR a short summary :p

A thin book VS. A thick book.


One of the slimmest books I own, apart from comics, is The Perks Of Being A Wallflower. TPOBAW is very high on my fave list. The book means a lot to me because I can relate so much to Charlie. I haven’t been through what he’s been through but a lot of what he says or how he thinks is how I go through life. The book’s truly close to my heart.
A Beauty of Darkness is one of the thickest books I own and I wish it was even thicker. It ended all too soon and now the series is over 😦

A fictional book VS. A non-fictional book.


Tuck Everlasting was a book that school made me read. Now.. I usually end up disliking any novel my studies fed me but this one I really liked. It was a strange and weird read because it was unlike anything I had ever read before but it made the experience a refreshing one.
The Diary of Anne Frank is also a book that I had to read due to school but it was on my TBR as well so I didn’t mind reading it. I can’t say I particularly liked it, though. I enjoyed it but the thought of a family being locked away like that horrified me.

A way too romantic book VS. An action-packed book.


I’m a bit of a manga geek. Especially Shojo manga which basically is a series of comics for girls. There’s a lot of drama, a lot of romance and love and over-the-top cuteness.
And I crave it sometimes :p
Boys Over Flowers is one of my favorite mangas. I don’t have the complete collection, sadly enough. The comics are out of print which causes the books out there to be extremely pricey (I bought the last one for 20 dollars + 15 dollars on shipping).
Legend, however -although it does have some romance- is incredibly action-packed. It would be a great movie one day.

A book that made you happy VS. A book that made you cry.


Easy is just one of those books that is easy to read, easy to understand and easy to slip into. It gave me some feels but overal made me happy and giddy because of all the cuteness in it. Okaay… it had some serious notes as well but those made the cute moments between Lucas and Jacqueline even better.
As for the tear jerkers…… There are currently three books out there that have caused me to:
– Gasp for air and choke on it.
– Stop reading because my eyes were too full of tears.
– Get out my tissue box and refill it two times.
– Have stomach aches that made me nauseous.
– Cry so violently that I couldn’t breathe.

Clockwork Princess was the first of them. It utterly destroyed me.

And that is the end of the tag 😀

Time to tag some others:

Lost In Sweet Words


Of Reading & Random Things

Building Diverse Bookshelves

Chloe’s Books Blog

Rachael’s Reads

Book Slayer Reads

With love,

10 thoughts on “The #OppositeBooks Tag

      1. Lol! You don’t have to add me, if you don’t want to. I can always just do the tag and say you tagged me 😉


    1. Hihi :p I think there is, though 😉 Your blog has been an inspiration for me when I first started out as a blogger so … yeah :p

      And yes yes yes plz read them!! Put them on top of your TBR and read them asap. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed >u<

      Liked by 1 person

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